MIPIM2017 – PropTech Reaches Tipping Point

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A hectic three days of constant networking, dashing between meetings and socialising drew to a close last night with the inaugural PropTech meet-up drinks jointly hosted by MIPIM and the UK PropTech Association.

This was supposed to be a small gathering, on the periphery of the main event, for the dozen or so PropTech folks I knew were coming over. Instead, over 250 separate businesses signed up and I think it’s safe to say that’s a record number of PropTech businesses in one room.

The overwhelming sense from the PropTech founders I spoke to in my time was that MIPIM was an invaluable opportunity to discuss their businesses and that the property industry was more receptive than ever. The jungle drums of the opportunities and threats provided by technology have been heard loud and clear by the property industry and there is no doubt that technology is now acknowledged as a fundamental, and ever more important, part of MIPIM and the industry more widely.

In my opinion the organising team at Reed did a cracking job in the run up to MIPIM – ably assisted by Aaron and the MetaProp-run Startup Competition – and managed to pull off an event that, for the first time in my experience, acted to legitimise everything that we’ve been talking about surrounding PropTech for the last few years. This is not marginal, it’s not hype.

The UKPA were also proud to announce the first three founding members at MIPIM. Thanks to Technology Blueprint, Datscha and Kykloud for taking a step into the unknown. Your support means a lot. Keep an eye out for many further announcements about our founding memberships.

For now though, it’s back to London and a packed schedule of follow up meetings. I am fairly confident we’ll see even more than 250 of you in Cannes this time next year.


Chairman, UKPA

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